Immersed in the countryside of Modena

Monari Federzoni SpA
VAT 00282950369
CRN: MO 123576
Cap. Soc. € 1.600.000 I.V. | Informativa ai sensi dell'art. 2497-bis
CC: Lusitalia S.r.l.

Via Carrate, 24
41030 Solara di Bomporto (Modena) – Italy
T. +39 059 801711 | F. +39 059 801713

Information pursuant to c. 125 and following of L. n. 124/2017
In order to comply with the provisions of paragraph 125 and following of Law n.124/2017, concerning the obligations of publicity by recipients of public contributions/ funding, it is specified that Monari Federzoni S.p.a. has dedicated, in the notes to the Company Register of the CCIAA of Modena, a special chapter showing the sums received during the previous financial year.

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