

Con la presente Mondari Federzoni S.p.A., Titolare del Trattamento, rende l’informativa sul trattamento dei dati personali in attuazione delle disposizioni applicabili in materia di tutela dei dati personali – italiane e comunitarie – e quindi, in particolare, delle disposizioni:


With this Monari Federzoni S.p.A., Data Controller, renders the information on the processing of personal data in implementation of the applicable provisions on the protection of personal data – Italian and EU – and therefore, in particular:


Of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the European Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data);


What are cookies

As is well known, cookies are usually strings of text that websites (so-called publishers, or “first parties”) visited by the user or different websites or web servers (so-called “third parties”) place and store – directly, in the case of publishers, and indirectly, i.e. through them, in the case of “third parties” – within a terminal device in the availability of the same user.
The information encoded in cookies may include personal data, such as an IP address, user name, unique identifier, or e-mail address, but may also contain non-personal data, such as language settings or information about the type of device a person is using to browse the site.

What are the purposes of the cookies used by this site?
Depending on the purpose, this site makes use of technical session (non-persistent) cookies and targeting cookies.

The cookies used by this site are:


Name Type Description Duration
PHPSESSID Technical cookie The PHPSESSID cookie is a native PHP cookie and allows Web sites to store session state data. It is used in the Web site to establish a user session and to  communicate status data through a temporary cookie, commonly referred to as a session cookie.  Session

Technical cookie


Stores the state of the user's cookie consent for the current domani 1 month
_fbp Targeting cookie Used by Facebook to deliver a variety of advertising products such ad real-time bidding form third-party advertisers.  3 month


Technical cookies are considered strictly necessary because storing the information is essential to provide a service requested by the user. Therefore, technical cookies cannot be disabled and users’ prior consent is not required for their installation (pursuant to Article 122 of the Privacy Code).