a business that is always on the move.

We search for new ways to grow and improve, every day


We want to bring top-quality products to your table, every time. This is why we constantly invest in improving production and processes, in research and development, and in promotion and communication, also through access to European funds.

Europe invests in rural areas

We have implemented a series of interventions as part of the 2014-2020 Emilia Romagna Rural Development Programme, in order to guarantee higher efficiency in our production processes, an increased level of technology, and improvements in energy efficiency and safety conditions.

Type of operation:
4.2.01 Investments for agro-industrial companies from an individual and systemic approach

Description of operation:
Monari Federzoni S.p.A.'s project, financed by the Emilia Romagna Region as part of the 2014-2020 RDP, is made up of 3 main elements:

Full automation of operations involving handling, processing, storage and treatment of liquid raw materials and semi-finished products, with computerized management of operations and remote control of the functioning of equipment and the phases of technical assistance; a closed-cycle computerized system for the washing and sanitization of equipment in contact with liquid food products will also be created, with water treated using reverse osmosis;
Improvement of energy efficiency through replacement of all lighting in the plant with LEDs
Environmental improvement and improvement of working activities through the introduction of innovative equipment and structural solutions.

Renovation and technological upgrade of the vinegar factory

Results expected:
The investments have guaranteed increased efficiency of production processes, a higher level of technology in the winery, an increase in revenue - in particular for exports - and an improvement in energy efficiency and safety conditions

Amount funded:
€ 882,787.29

Importo contributo:
€ 353,114.92
Find out more on the European Commission website


Fondo Europeo 1


Promotion of exports for the launch of a new functional drink on international markets, through participation in trade fairs

Project description
Monari Federzoni SpA's project involves marketing a new line of products made from Balsamic Vinegar of Modena in the USA, Canada, France, the UK and Germany. This product is part of the "functional" organic drinks sector, which is expanding fast in North-American and North-European markets

To open a new business area in the sector for Balsamic Vinegar of Modena, a product that has reached a "mature" level in its commercial shelf life, in a context where we have higher production capacity and supply than current market receptivity

USA - Winter Fancy Food Show (January 2020): 4 new commercial contacts

Project co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund


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Driving the Green Change: Monari Federzoni S.p.A. and solar energy as part of the Next Generation EU Project

Monari Federzoni S.p.A. has always been committed to driving the change toward a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future. We are aware of our responsibility to the planet and to future generations, and we are committed to integrating business practices and developing increasingly environmentally friendly production processes.

We have adopted strict policies to reduce carbon emissions, to minimize waste of natural resources, and promote energy efficiency. We are certain that sustainability is not only an opportunity to improve our competitiveness and long-term value, but more importantly a fundamental commitment to our future. 

In line with our commitment to sustainability, we are pleased to announce that we have successfully invested in solar energy through the installation of a photovoltaic system at our facilities. This investment reflects our willingness to adopt innovative and environmentally friendly solutions to meet our energy needs while reducing our carbon footprint. The investment was made possible thanks to the crucial contribution and support of the “Next Generation EU” Project, funded by the European Union. This project will enable us to take a significant step toward environmental sustainability and reducing carbon emissions.

The “Next Generation EU” Project is not just a recovery plan made possible by the European Union, but represents a unique opportunity for Europe to emerge stronger and more united, transforming the economies and societies of member countries. The EU is committed to making Europe healthier, greener and more digital, and Monari Federzoni S.p.A. is excited to contribute to this transformation.

Monari Federzoni S.p.A. is grateful for the support received through the European Union’s Next Generation EU Project, which has enabled us to take this important step toward sustainability. We are excited to continue contributing to Europe’s green and digital future and to inspire others to follow our example.


Technical data: 169.600 kWp photovoltaic system. The system partially cover the consumption of electricity deriving from production activities. 

The plant includes 420 modules of 400Wp each, placed on the roof of the building, and will allow an annual energy production of 203,579 kWh/year, most of which will be for self-consumption. The intervention is also functional in making Monari Federzoni S.p.A. more eco-sustainable, allowing a significant reduction in CO2 emissions from the company’s production activities.

The intervention is funded by the European Union – Next Generation EU under the PNRR, Mission 2, Component 1, Investment 2.2 “Parco Agrisolare”.